Information For Authors

Do you want to publish your article in this journal? We encourage you to read carefully the Author Guidelines.


Publications are accepted in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Attention! The works must be carefully edited by the author according to the specified requirements. Materials prepared without taking into account these rules will not be published!

All articles are pre-reviewed and checked for plagiarism!


U.D.C. ( +

Article title (in Ukrainian or Russian)

Authors' initials and last name

The official name of the organization, city, country

Ukrainian or Russian abstract (in accordance with the language of the article). Based on literature data and personal experience ... (no more than 15 lines). It is recommended to build most of the sentences according to the model: "found", “described", "found out", "emphasized", "considered", etc.

Keywords: no more than 6 words, none of which duplicates words from the title of the article.

Article title (in English)

Authors' initials and last name (in English)

The official name of the organization, city, country (in English)

Abstract in English. The volume is 2200-2800 characters. The abstract should be clear and informative (not contain general phrases, secondary information), original (not be a tracing of the Ukrainian or Russian-language abstract), meaningful (reflect the main content of the article), structured (written as one paragraph of the text, but follow the sequence of description of the results in article), "English" (written in high level English). The abstract should contain the purpose, a brief description of research methods, a description of the main results and conclusions. In the text, it is necessary to use the terminology that is used in specialized international English-language journals on research topics. The abstract itself should be understandable without reading the main content of the articles. Keep in mind that you are writing for an international audience. The text should be coherent; to combine sentences, it is necessary to use the expressions "consequently", "moreover", "for example", "the benefits of this study", "as a result" and others. Use the active voice, not the passive voice (“The study tested”, not “It was tested in this study”). Sample abstracts are available on the Emerald Group Publishing website. Remember that the international databases that your article will come to after its publication in the journal do not transliterate or translate anything, they will accept any variants of your surname, initials, organization names indicated in the article, even with errors. To assess the correctness of the translation into English for citizens of Ukraine and other CIS countries, it is necessary to post its Russian version immediately after the English text of the abstract (it will not be included in the text of the article, but is only necessary to check the quality of the English text by a native speaker).

Keywords: 4-6 words, none of which duplicates words from the title of the article



  1. Format: file * .doc, * .docx or * .rtf in Ukrainian, Russian or English.
  2. Volume: from 5 pages - A4 format.
  3. Margins: 2 cm from all sides.
  4. Font: Times New Roman, size - 14, line spacing - 1.5.
  5. All values are indicated in units of the International System of Measurements, abbreviations and symbols must be deciphered. The text should be free from syntax and spelling errors. When typing, do not use hyphens, including those set manually.
  6. Words written in Latin should be italicized (eg Helicobacter pylori).
  7. To preserve the integrity of the text next to numbers, instead of the usual space, use a non-breaking space (key combination Ctrl + Shift + space) in the following cases:
  8. before and after all mathematical signs (+, -,:, ×, ±, <,>, etc.);
  9. before the designation of dosages, concentrations, time, percent, temperature, and other physical and mathematical quantities.
  10. The title of the article should briefly inform about its content, and also contain the maximum number of words or characters allowed by the publication. UDC is required.
  11. An experimental article should contain the following sections: introduction, material and research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, bibliographic references.
  12. A review article may have a different number of sections with arbitrary titles, but conclusions are required.
  13. Tables and figures should be numbered in accordance with the content of the article. Statistical and other details are provided below the table in the notes. Tabular materials are placed in the text of the article immediately after the first mention of them.
  14. Figures are numbered in the order in which they are discussed in the text. All text elements in images (graphs, diagrams, diagrams), if possible, should have the Times New Roman typeface.
  15. References in the text are given according to the model (surname, year), for example: 1 author - (Vinson, 1997), 2 authors - (Vargo and Laurel, 1994; Vargo and Hulsey, 2000), 3 or more authors - (Jones et al., 1978; Davis et al., 1989).
  16. If multiple lines are wrapped to a new page, the lines are shortened or the page is paid in full.


The introduction should contain a description of the study of the problem in the world scientific literature (at least 10-15 references to English-language articles in international publications over the past 5 years). The introduction ends with a description of the purpose of the work - "to reveal ...", "to characterize ...", "to find out ...", "to describe ..."; the purpose of the work cannot be "to study ..." or "to investigate ...".


Materials and Methods

The section should provide an opportunity to repeat the entire volume of research to verify the data obtained by the author of the article. It can be divided into subsections. The section should create a holistic view that the author of the work is aware of all possible sources of errors that may affect the research results.


Results and Discussion

The results should include the main data obtained in the course of the study, their analysis and comparison with other studies on similar issues.

The titles of tables and figures (as well as notes to them) should be “comprehensive”. The reader should not additionally reread the "Materials and Methods" or the title of the work in order to understand the content of the table or figure, to determine the replication of research.

The diagrams shown in the work must be editable.



Conclusions -5-10 sentences. It can be in the form of a list, it can be in straight text.

Prospects for further developments ...


Bibliographic references

References are listed alphabetically, not in order of occurrence in the text. Not numbered. The list of sources is drawn up in accordance with the international standard APA (American Psychological Association Style).

If less than half of the sources in the article have their own DOI indices, the article cannot be published in an international scientific journal!


A short abstract (no more than 8 lines each) in Ukrainian / Russian and English.

The article ends with information about the authors (full name, title, position, organization, telephone, e-mail).

The following documents are attached to the articles (color scanned copies, * .pdf format):

  1. covering letter
  2. the conclusion of the expert commission signed by the head of the institution and certified by the stamp;
  3. the first page of the article with the visa of the head of the institution and the last one with the signatures of all authors;

The author is responsible for the content of the submitted materials, the reliability of the results.

An electronic version of the article and scans of accompanying documents should be sent to

NB! Confirmation of receipt of materials is required!

Payment of publishing costs only after receipt of materials by the publishing company.