Hygienic assessment of learning conditions of internally displaced and local school-age children and adolescents at the beginning of the war
adolescents, hygienic learning conditions, distance education, internally displaced personsAbstract
The hygienic characteristic of learning conditions of internally displaced and local children of school age and adolescents under the influence of hostilities and migration-related negative factors is presented. The deterioration of hygienic conditions for teaching adolescents remotely in real time due to the problems of organizing educational activities using modern gadgets has been determined. Internally displaced children of school age and adolescents more often, in comparison with local residents, recognized a deterioration in the quality of nutrition, as well as health conditions both physical and psycho-emotional
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Copyright (c) 2024 Г. М. Даниленко, Л. А. Страшок, Т. П. Сидоренко, М. Ю. Ісакова, Е. М. Завеля, М. Л. Водолажський
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