Genetic features in patients with depressive disorder


  • Natalia Bagatska SI "ICAHC NAMS"



depression, patients, genealogy, chromosomes, mutagenesis


Genetic features in patients with depressive disorder have been determined based on the references and own research. Hereditary burden of mental illnesses was recorded in 66.0 % of families; accumulation of mental disorders in various categories of relatives of probands was revealed. The following negative exogenic and endogenic factors have been determined: stress and pernicious habits in parents, pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth in mothers, birth of a child with distress syndrome, stress at patient’s home and in educational institution, undernutrition and pernicious habits of the patient, childhood infectious diseases, etc. The level of spontaneous mutagenesis in vitro was twice the level of induced mutagenesis that indicates pronounced individual and group latent chromosomal instability of patients


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