Medical and social aspects of the health status of the adolescents-internally displaced persons


  • Heorhii Danylenko SI "ICAHC NAMS"
  • Larisa Strashok SI "ICAHC NAMS"
  • Elina Zavelya SI "ICAHC NAMS"
  • Maryna Isakova SI "ICAHC NAMS"
  • Olena Belyaeva SI "ICAHC NAMS"



adolescents, internally displaced persons, education, nutrition, psycho-emotional state


The medical-social characteristic of the vital activity of the adolescents- internally displaced persons under the influence of military actions and negative factors related to migration is presented. Deterioration of the socio-hygienic conditions of education and nutrition of adolescents was determined, regardless of social status. Adolescents - internally displaced persons were 2 times more often admitted the deterioration of both physical health and psycho-emotional state compared to adolescents - local residents.


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